
3st ever D.ai.sy Global event:
Daisy Global Event Dubai February 21st, 2024; Daisy 3 year anniversary, Dubai Coca Cola Stadium, limitless2024.com for info & tickets. Dubai Event Pool: Participate in Dubai Events and receive bonus pool dividends. 2 New Dubai Event Pools will begin February 21st, 2024: Attendee Pool: Attend the Dubai event and get a share in Pool 1: Have 2 personal referrals attend the event with you, get a 2nd share in the attendee pool. Promoter Pool: 1 share in Pool 2 for every 5 personal referrals that you have attending the event! Buy Dubai event link: limitless2024.com
Daisy Dubai Event Pool Reward Reference:
Daisy Dubai Event Highlight Video:

Step by Step guide to purchasing your Limitless 2024 event ticket! Don't miss the launch of our NEXT LEVEL together! 
DAISY Limitless 2024 ticket purchase:
1. Open limitless2024.com with your Tronlink (not Klever, neither Token Pocket) dApp browser of the wallet you want to register for the event
2. Click "connect"
3. Fill out all required fields MANUALLY letter by letter (copy & paste, neither autofill will let u proceed with purchase)
4. Don't use double last names 
5. Don't use special characters as "-" connecting last names 
6. Don't use "+" for your phone number, use "00" instead
7. Use English letters only (ö, ø, ô etc. won't work)
8.Approve (then tronlink password)
9. You'll be directed back to the same page, now hit the purchase button and that's it 
10. In case you haven't gotten a confirmation email, please check spam folder 
11. In case your country or last name contains 2 words, please write them without a gap in between.
For example:
"United Kingdom" would turn into "Unitedkingdom".
Remember: 1 ticket per wallet

Event Update: One-Day Event on February 21st! 
Dear attendees,  Exciting news! Our event has transformed into an unforgettable one-day event on February 21st! So, instead of the two days as previously announced, the event will only take place at Coca Cola Arena on February 21st. This change ensures that everyone can participate without any inconvenience. Join us for a day of learning and community bonding. Your support and enthusiasm have driven us to create a memorable event, and we can't wait to share this incredible day with you!
Ticket Information:
Please note that e-tickets will be sent closer to the event date. Upon purchase, you'll receive an order confirmation; check your spam folder if needed. For assistance, contact us at [email protected] always providing the purchase wallet address. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

DAISY is an Innovative disruptive model with ground breaking technology. Daisy isn’t a company: It is a community Built on Tron based smart contract, designed for Equity & Venture Capital crowdfunding in a way that has never been done before. Unlike so many opportunities in which people are earning money only when new people are getting started: The power of the daisy model is that it is designed to be sustainable so that everyone can earn profits, equity & income even if no one contributes/gets started again. It is Long term, viable & sustainable True Passive Income.
This income model is the pinnacle of financial aspirations, allowing for earnings to grow exponentially over time even without sustained efforts. At its essence, compounding residual income means that your initial earnings are reinvested to produce further income. This unique financial phenomenon brings about exponential growth, financial security, and unparalleled flexibility, making it the ultimate passive income stream. The holy grail of residual income! Let’s create generational wealth together! A model where everyone wins with profits, equity, and income. Currently Crowd Funding the Daisy AI Project. Members receive exclusive stock equity and profit rewards >>> Click Here to Join Now
Learn all about Daisy AI
1、What is Daisy AI?
2、Daisy AI Reward Plan
3、Daisy AI Registration Tutorial
4、Forex & Crypto AI trading Comparison

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Daisy Global AI Trading

Limitless Blockchain Sports,In Phase 1 development for 19 months, with over $30M invested; Highly competent & accomplished team of experts. Over 600 employees;Step into the Limitless world of our newest project - Blockchain Sports - where everyone wins! Own Exclusive Founders Nodes on the ATLETA Blockchain, earning Atla Coin Daily.

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