​​DAISY TOLD YOU SO Event 2023 - Highlights!

Limitless Blockchain SportsDate:02-22-2023 Views:
1. Existing Daisy crowdfunding model to end on 31st May 2023.
⁃ Daisy will migrate to a fully licensed hedge fund by 1st June 2023
⁃ Existing Daisy Crypto and Forex trading altos will continue working
⁃ No new Endotech share swill be distributed to members from 1st June 2023
⁃ New Builders and Achievers shares will end May 31st, and the Builders Pool and Achievers Pool will pay through May 31st, 2024!!
⁃ This means: PERMANENT BUILDERS POOL WILL BE MASSIVE FROM JUNE 1ST 2023 TO JUNE 1ST 2024! Get 20k in volume in March, April, and May and secure your permanent shares in this pool! Builders Pool will be even BIGGER than the achievers pool!
2. Liquid NFT was launched.
⁃ Liquid mining is now live for all Daisy members
⁃ Official Liquid mining Telegram channel: https://t.me/nftliquid
⁃ You can now access the website through your TRON wallet at www.LiquidMining.com
⁃ Liquid NFT allows you to mine tokens every minute of every day, for way less money then it would ever cost to buy them!
⁃ The liquid whitepaper https://liquid-3.gitbook.io/liquid/
3. Events in 2023 and 2024
⁃ There will several events held in 2023 in Europe and Asia
⁃ Budapest September 2023
⁃ Tokyo October 2023
⁃ Leadership Event in Phuket Thailand December 2023. Requirement is 5,000,000 USDT in volume until 31st August 2023.
⁃ Global event 2024 will be called Limitless 2024. Tickets can be purchased with crypto on https://limitless2024.com/
4. Endotech Equity reduction
⁃ For the remainder of the crowdfunding Tier 1 and 2 will have no Endotech shares.
⁃ Tier 3 will have 1 share and each Tier will double in shares.
5. Tier 3 Momentum packs
⁃ Momentum packs now start at Tier 3.
⁃ Unlimited Momentum Packs ARE BACK for tiers 3-10.
6. Tier 1 is now a combo pack
⁃ Tier 1 is now a combo pack only, where it is 200 USDT, and a new member gets tier 1 in Crypto and tier 1 in Forex.
⁃ This is due to the heavy increase in transaction fees after the new Tron vote. It was no longer cost effective to spend too much in fees on a 100 USDT tier. This also allows the new member to see the results of both Crypto AI and Forex AI.

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Limitless Blockchain Sports

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Daisy Global AI Trading

Limitless Blockchain Sports,In Phase 1 development for 19 months, with over $30M invested; Highly competent & accomplished team of experts. Over 600 employees;Step into the Limitless world of our newest project - Blockchain Sports - where everyone wins! Own Exclusive Founders Nodes on the ATLETA Blockchain, earning Atla Coin Daily.

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